Mastervolt Powerbook 2023 EN

PRODUCTS | MANAGE & MONITOR Let CZone ® do the thinking... CZone removes the one-to-one relationship between each physical switch and the item being controlled, and allows multiple devices to be controlled by a single touch. This simplifies the display and ensures critical items are not forgotten, like navigation lights when running at night. The combinations can also overlap, allowing the same device to be controlled in different ways by different modes. Modes So for example a mode for “Daytime Running” might turn on the fridge, fresh-water pump, toilet pump and bilge blower. A “Night Running” mode might add navigation lights to this and dim the instrument lights, while a “Night Anchor” mode would turn these off and replace them with the anchor light, interior lights and underwater lights. In this way a small number of programmed modes could cater for all the combinations required during normal operation. Creating modes is done using the CZone configuration software, and this can incorporate suitable graphics. Modes can then be programmed to display graphically which devices are enabled for each mode, ensuring immediate understanding of what the state is of each device is in the current mode. “Al Harrington commissioned Nexus Yachts to build a fast cruising technologically advanced bluewater cruising Catamaran. After a thorough investigation into electrical systems Al concluded that a combination of CZone Digital Switching and Mastervolt power electronics was the correct choice for him. Waterline Systems was contracted to design and install the system. Sixty eight CZone and twenty five MasterBus components were integrated using the CZone MasterBus Bridge Interface. After 1.5 years of cruising we are pleased to report that this was a great choice. The system has proved to be reliable, flexible and user friendly. This resounding success has resulted in a very happy yard and owner.” STRUAN BUTLER, MANAGING DIRECTOR WATERLINE SYSTEMS, SOUTH AFRICA QUOTE