Mastervolt Powerbook 2023 EN

SALES & SERVICE “The KNRM is extraordinarily happy with being sponsored by Mastervolt. The combination of free delivery and service/ maintenance for a long time period is unique in its own right. But I am particularly pleased with the development even regardless of the free support. As a technical Inspector, I only want the best equipment on board. And Mastervolt has proven to be one of the best in the business. This partnership ensures that we have the best equipment at the best possible circumstances. The KNRM is very grateful to Mastervolt for its contribution to the life-saving work of our crew members!” HANS VAN DER MOLEN TECHNICAL INSPECTOR AT KNRM, THE NETHERLANDS QUOTE Mastervolt has been working with the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM) since 2015. Organisations like these are responsible for rescuing people and animals on the water throughout the world. In the Netherlands, the KNRM is a 100 % volunteer organisation which is financed by donations. Mastervolt supports the 45 rescue stations of the KNRM with free products and services. 153