Mastervolt Powerbook 2023 EN

CZone� displays are the interface between the CZone network and the user. They offer full control of circuits as well as the ability to view important onboard system information, such as tank levels and power levels (for both AC and DC supplies). Audio and visual alarms with systems diagnostics are also provided. CZone ® Displays FOR MANUALS, CERTIFICATES, DRAWINGS, PRODUCT IMAGES - SEE DOWNLOADS AT MASTERVOLT.COM/CZONE PRODUCTS | MANAGE & MONITOR The CZone ® displays are designed with both the manufacturer and end-user in mind. The easy-to-use display screens put the control of all components directly at your fingertips. Multiple display interfaces can be used in the same system. The scroll and click interface is simple to use in the roughest of seas or bumpiest of roads. CZone displays are extremely intuitive to use with simple controls and a menu structure that is easy to follow. The ‘modes of operation’ feature allows the control of multiple circuits with a single push of a button. For instance, ‘night running’ mode turns pre- selected lights on to dim levels. These modes can all be configured by the user. 96